Hi there,

First post here so sorry if it's in the wrong place! Bit of background: I've been grappling with what I think is the start of Health Anxiety for a long time now - basically since I had an unexpected, very severe chest infection. Because I had just moved away from home (and my family live on the other side of the world), it hit me really hard that if anything were to happen, I would be alone here. Since then I've had a huge phobia of anything happening to me given my family are 28 hours away. Any time I start to feel ill, I feel every symptom about ten million times harder than I probably ought.

So yesterday morning I woke up and had a dry tickle in my throat. Within the space of 12 hours, I was feverish, coughing up a dark yellow mucus, and my entire body was aching. My dad said (via FB) that I was experiencing ordinary symptoms of the flu. I tried to ignore it. But then I felt like I was having stabbing pains on my sides and managed to get out and see the doctor. The doctor has prescribed me Amoxicillin - one 500mg pill three times a day.

I've taken Amoxicillin before (for UTI's mostly) and never had any issue, but I think because I'm feeling so unwell already, I'm panicking about stupid things like that my mouth feels itchy. It's not mega itchy, and I know I'm obviously suffering from throat irritation anyway. But I wanted to know whether it's possible or likely that you could develop an allergy to a previously tolerated pill? Didn't want to Google it and know I've always found really helpful posts on here - hence the joining to post. Just getting really anxious about everything and was hoping to hear some sound words of advice!

Thanks in advance xx