I'm not sure where the fine line begins and ends with the psychological trauma.
All I know is, I can't drive any more and that restricts me BIG-TIME, especially with a Housebound Mother and a disabled Mother-n-Law. And my partner is also waiting for his treatment for a Cancerous lump, so it causes HUGE problems and worry.
I've lost my independency, my wellness, confidence, energy and basically my LIFE. I can't go anywhere that is unfamiliar, crowded, Medically orientated; without getting panicky. I spent two hours today rearranging my Mum's Hospital appointments so I don't have to be alone. I have to say that they were quite understanding about it, when I explained about my Anxiety and Panic Attacks. (I felt the Medical person may have suffered from them himself?). Basically, I have to be chauffeured here there and everywhere as I can't even use Public Transport. That alone hinders any employment, let alone the rest of my Mental damage. Sleepless nights, exhaustion, adrenaline surges, crying, frustration, depression, muscle twitching, hot and cold rushes etc., etc., etc.
I have another Assessment with another Doctor, so we will see.
The problem is I try to appear normal. I look normal, but inside, I am screaming!!!

I know that you are suffering too at the moment and there is no magic wand, but I do think that when Spring is here, it will help us to feel a lot better. The Sun is a very good healer. I know that you go for walks, but have you tried 'Tree Hugging'?
It may sound silly, but they give off good energy and supposedly it is recommended by Therapists treating Mental Illnesses. You are probably laughing now, and if you try it, you may get arrested, but in the Spring, you could go for a walk and sit by a tree and rest against it and you will feel more at peace with yourself. Honestly

Back to 'Steve'. Do you think that is why they have chosen him to play out this story? He surely could not have needed the extra money with a claim. It's probable that Ken Barlow must be a Millionaire by now?? All I know is, that it's not very believable and it's a waste of a good story. It's just going to annoy me and get my goat.