Hi is there anyone else here in a similar situation, because of their Social anxiety/depression?

I am a 35 year old male, that still lives at home with their mum and brother... Had a tough time growing up... I have always lacked self confidence and never really mixed with anyone ever.

Find I am very self conscious around people, I don't talk unless i really have to. Didn't get a job until I was 27 years old, was signed off sick and on JSA on and off and on antidepressants. I've managed to hold on to the job for 8 years now.

Should I feel like a loser for living at home? I have no friends outside of work. I see other people they all look so happy with their partners/kids, the works.

Feel as though it's too late for me now to have any of that, can't imagine being comfortable around people. It sucks gets me down.

Anyone else out there in the same or similar situation?