Hi all I am new to this website and found a lot of the responses on previous posts a great help. Hope someone can help :-)
I would like to start by saying I am 26 male and am very concerned I have lung cancer, i have never smoked and don't drink alcohol, sad I know. i have been around secondary smoke through my younger years but been away from the second hand smoke for about 5 years now. Recently I had pulling pains on my right side, to cut the story short I went to Dr's who gave me anti inflamtry tablets which did not help.told me it was muscle pain and it will go. I thought nothing more of it but because I have a bad posture so thought that was causing it. I waited a week the symptoms did not subside so
I decided see a chiropractor, have been seeing the chiropractor for about 4 weeks and only seemed to make the problem worse so I have stopped seeing him. I was send for a MRI by the chiropractor which look at my complete spine from top to bottom, all came back clear.
My symptoms that have been persistent for over 4 weeks are my right shoulder is sore to move, pain near right rumboid muscle when pressing and burning sensation in chest on the right side. I also add that the pain is worse when standing my right shoulder feels heavy and pulling into my chest but the burning is constantly there. I have seen the doctor on many occasions I have had bloods done, came back with h pylori done a week of antibiotics. All other test of blood works ok. Chest sounded clear according to Dr. I have a chest Xray referral form which I need to go get done but am worried that I have lung cancer :-( I do not have a cough, gone off my food but don't know if it is the worry. over the last couple of months I have a few panic attacks out of the blue at 3 am in the morning. Hope fully I can get some feed back to help.