Okay, so i'm agoraphobic therefore going out isn't great, but i can manage it when i have my mother with me. However, when i am travelling alone, although i don't travel barely any distance at all, what i am scared of the most is panicking BEYOND the half-way point.
(I don't expect i am making much sense...lol) You realise that to get home is further than the place you are heading to, but you just want/need to get home because that hideous wave of hot/panic/dread/fear/dry mouth/nausea/shaking has already hit and you ****KNOW**** that if you don't turn round something "terrible" WILL undoubtably happen (or at least thats what your mind is telling you!). [Duh!]
Does anyone else have or has had these feelings of "BEYOND THE HALF-WAY POINT"....lol

How the heck do we over come this little issue...?
