I just wanted to post a thread about this and whilst its not anxiety or depression related, I have to say that reading has been a great new hobby of mine since I relapsed.

I should probably post this on the Top Tips board but I wanted to add some detail to why I was posting rather than simply write RIP and a couple of lines.

My mum has read a lot of books for many years and tried to encourage me when I first developed an anxiety disorder but I didn't follow her advice however when I relapsed years later I decided to give it a try and bought my first book from Tesco on impulse.

I found that even in my really rough times, this helped sitting in the sun in my garden and trying to immerse myself. Its not always easy and sometimes it just doesn't work but its worth trying. I also do this in bed before I go to sleep and the majority of the time, this has reduced my anxiety and even relaxed me or made me feel more positive. This came much easier later on.

I have started reading Terry Pratchett's books in the last couple of years off & on inbetween my usual types and I've come to really love his style of writing so much so that I am now reading my way through them all of which I have about 20 so far and have read 8. I find it easy to immerse myself in these as they are light hearted dispite often serious plotlines and the characters, whilst often eccentric, are easy to identify with. I think this helps a great deal with anxiety as it encourages a more creative perspective to grow and being able to visualise helps further so you end up with 2 techniques in one.

RIP Sir Terry Pratchett, a truly unique individual, and thank you for providing such rich & immaginative creations that not only inspire but help provide some calm to those of us who are suffering from minds that just won't stop thinking!

DEATH has come to collect you and he has bought THE DEATH OF RATS with him and if they offer you a timer, please come back and write some more books for us! If he doesn't reach you because he is busy bringing in the corn for Miss Flitworth then there is always Reg Shoe's Fresh Start Club but don't come back as a Zombie like Windle Poons did as I wouldn't wish Sensorimotor OCD on anyone, let alone you!