Hi, I went doctors this week and he's started me on imipramine, also I said to him I have an issue with my mouth so he looked and said I'm lacking in vitimanins.
The side of the tongue is sore not too bad now though was both sides but now only the left, had it for a while now, anyway I went into boots and in front of me was so may types I wasn't sure, so I picked up multivitamins. Have I done right? Or should I have got just one type. I have no idea and he wasn't too bothered but he's not the one putting up with it.
Had a scare it was something horrible as I have a white mark in my throat but he says it's scare tissue and nothing to worry about, I've been looked at by 2 doctors now and the last one said I've seen throat cancer and it isn't that. The other one agreed. So my mind is at rest on that. Why do we always fear the worst? No wonder I'm on antidepressants