
I'm not sure if this is the right place but I have sa and a slight problem which it is contributing to - or vice versa.

I was walking a dog today - who I'm currently looking after, it's not mine - and this boy approached and asked to stroke him. I said yes although I was reserved about it. Then he asked if he could give him a dog treat and again I said yes which I'm now regretting. I asked if he had a dog and he said he had ten, then went on to say that 8 were nintendogs and he also had two jack russells neither of which were in sight I walked off with the dog and the boy asked if he could come with us, I explained that it wasn't my dog and it would be really boring coz I had to keep him on the lead he came with us for a bit then said bye and went off on his own but I heard him approach someone else and ask if he could stroke their dog.

On the way back I saw him again and he'd latched onto someone else but still tried to bribe "my" dog with dog treats.

I know this probably sounds like nothing to you but the whole thing made me really uneasyand now I'm getting really anxious at the thought of having to walk the dog again. He told me he's at the river every day and I don't really want to have to try and shake him off every day and be saying "No you can't stroke him or give him a biscuit" I explained that he's not my dog several times but he didn't seem to get it. I don't know how to get rid of him if I see him again without coming across as a total cow and also I've got the worse case scenario running through my head that if I tell him to go away he's gonna bribe the dog and steal him away.

Any ideas on how to deal with it if I see him again?