Hi ladies,
I am having some really bad time at the moment and if you can relate at all to my post please please reply as I am going out of my mind.
I am on holiday as well, can tell you it is not much of a holiday because of this! I am panicking cause I got 6 more days here and cant see a doctor.
Basically I started my period a bit after I expected it about 3 weeks ago. It was pretty normal just a bit lighter than usual however it just mept going and going two weeks after and at that point I went to the doctor. She said this was normal on my pill and that is it. Another important information is that I have been on Cerazette for about 5 years now, and I might have missed one or two around the time of this period. And also towards end the period I ran out of cerazette and was given cerelle which is supposed to be the same but I have heard people respond differently to different brands of same drug. Just over 2 weeks after starting bleeding has stopped but now I got awful period pains which are driving me insane. It hurts as if I had full blown period and maybe slightly weirder than that but the bleeding is gone. I had a bit of brownish discharge which now turned to yellowish occassionally. I have also been worried i got UTI because at times I feel like I need more wee and what if I am not treating it! I am so panicked and confused, I even wish I would start bleeding again so I know why I feel the pain at least.

Any advice is very welcome!!