Hi ladies,Im 39,and 40 very very soon.I would like to ask how all you ladies who suffer from panic and anxiety have gone on to have children,and how you all coped with carrying,hospital visits and childbirth.I think for you all to have gone through this with this illness you are all fantastic women.
I feel my illness has stopped me from having a family,this really gets me down.I have been with my partner 24 years.We started trying about 4 years ago(THATS WHEN I HAD A SEX DRIVE!!!!).I have a hormone problem and haveing blood test ect,but I know in myself Im terrified I wont cope.Im relieved in a away that I havent fallen,it would terrify me to go through it all,the clinics,the birth,looking after a baby.Would I make a bad mum.HELP!!!
I would love to make my parents granny & grampa and my partner a daddy.How did you all do it girls.Some days I want to be a mum and feel quite positive and then that old anxiety gets in the way again.
Hope I have made sense here,Im having a down day as well,so probably gone on and on.
Thank you

Ellen XX