After almost 4 years on Effexor which I will say saved my life when I was in a very low place Iv decided to stop the medication it's now been 7 days since I took my last 37.5 mg tab, after tapering down from 75mg, the brain zaps have been pretty horrendous to be honest especially when standing up after sitting for a while, today was the worst when I was at work when they came in waves and wouldn't stop was really scary and was considering trying to get a docs line until they go away coz it really is hard to function and do my job, I will say I feel more alive again have a personilty back and some of the symptoms I had while on the Effexor seen to be subsiding, I was just wondering if anybody else out their has successfully withdrawn from this meds and how long it took their zaps to go away? Any replies much appreciated x