Hi there,

I am a 27 year old male in what I believe to be pretty good health..I have suffered from HA on and off now for about the past 5 years. I believe it started within a few months after my infant son's death. About 3 years ago, i was having tummy issues was referred to a Gastro doctor and he performed a colonoscopy and found 2 polyps. He removed them and had told me they were precancerous. He had also mentioned that I had chronic inflammation of my colon... Now we are here almost 3 years later and just last sunday had a sudden onset of lower left abdominal pain, mucus in stools, and stools totally changed. It felt like I needed to go but i couldn't, and I have tons of gas it feels like it seemed so sporadic and random. After about a week of this starting yesterday the stools seemed to be a bit more formed but upon examination I see little tiny spots of blood (very few). I am extremely worried about this but all the googling and stuff that I have found on the web states that for polyps to grow from polyps to cancer takes around 10 years. I guess I'm just extremely concerned about all this. I've always had stomach trouble but never to the point where the pain comes and goes like this. Has anyone else suffered with this issue? If so, did you go to the doctor immediately? What would you recommend? Thanks in advance.