I've been doing a little bit better with my HA, have been on sertraline for 2 weeks now. I'm still feeling generally unwell, aching, tired etc but the panic isn't as bad. Just one thing and a warning, it's a bit tmi.... I've been having a weird stomach the past couple of weeks going between loose and constipated. I have ibs and internal piles. Yesterday I noticed that my stool was shaped strange, like there was an edge to it, flat on one side. I know if I were to google it would say something sinister but can this be caused by my internal piles? It's freaking me out a bit and I really don't want to get to that point again. Oh also, I had an mri on my abdomen for a separate (women's) issue last week. Would that show anything sinister in my bowel?? I'm not that nervous about the results because I feel as though getting a scan is half way to getting myself fixed. Maybe it's the sertraline kicking in...