This site helped me so much when I was in a suicidal state and my anxiety was through the roof. Such lovely, supporting people on here.

Thankfully for my family, friends and self, i have stabilised. Back on the planet so to speak.

I swallow 150mg of sertraline every day. It used to be in conjunction with Lyrica but I dropped that a few months back from my daily regime.

However, I still have bad days, when my anxiety is through the roof and no CBT or mindfulness helps.

I've found that on these days, if I take 300mg of pregabalin, after about three hours, I am at peace with the world again.

Any thoughts?

I am posting this feeling guilty for those that are in hell and scratching for answers on here. Like I did for months. But, hopefully the message to all is positive. I made it through and you can too. I really was in a bad way.

So, taking pregabalin as needed? Any thoughts as I'm not sure I should be doing this?