So it's fairly obvious that our lifestyle's can affect our health. Stress, Drinking, Drugs, Diet, lack of exercise ect.

I don't think we are meant to live the way we live today - life is too fast paced - full of demands. There is a lot of negativity from childhood. If you are surrounded by bad energy, whether seeing it or hearing it, then it's bound to leave a mark.

The news, i do not watch the news or read any papers. I try to keep my mind clear from negative thoughts which media love to feed us. I've always felt affected by the world and the way it is, maybe it depends on the person, but i have an overwhelming need to help people. I dislike injustice and things that seem to have little or no affect on others have a lasting affect on me. Even since being a child i remember wondering why people would do the things they do, my cat was killed by a group of lads when i was about 8 - i was traumatized and couldn't understand why anyone would do this.

I suppose i spend a lot of time wishing that the world would be a better place, than humans would not cause fear in others, kill animals for fun making them extinct, pollute the planet and kill each other. I know, i sound morbid and there is a lot of good in the world, i've seen it. However what i'm saying is i feel if the world were different, if we lived a slower paced life, where love and kindness were more important than greed and power, then anxiety problems wouldn't exist.

There's so much that contributes to it, most of which we're unaware of, but it's easy to see that some people find it a lot harder living in this world than others do.
I see the beauty in everything and i've been happy even through my hardest times because i am grateful for life and the one's i love, but even with my ability to see the good i struggle with the bad.

Anybody else think about these things? Or is this just too deep