Does this bother anyone else? I have a family history of smoking. My uncle died of lung cancer in his early 50s he was a heavy smoker. My grandma was on oxygen for 15 years before passing away from being a heavy smoker. My mom was a heavy smoker and had breast cancer at age 34. My dad to this day is still a very heavy smoker. Even when I get in the car with him he lights up. My mom also went back to smoking a few years ago and was smoking in the house! It use to bother my allergies and I would tell her this. Now she's been away from smoking for a good 3-4 years but I'm so worried she put my health at risk. My brothers and I have not ever smoked. I read articles that not only can second hand smoking cause lung cancer but I read pancreatic cancer as well! Though I've read mixed reports as some sites say secondhand smoke is s risk factor and others say it's not. Anyways does anyone else worry about this? I'm moving out with my fiancée next summer once we finish school but I fear what if my families bad habits has already taken a toll on myself? I can accept my own bad habits I've done such as eating too much fast food a few years back which I've gave up and won't go near s McDonald. I also gave up eating Pork. So yeah, does this contribute to anyone else's HA and how do you deal with it? I ask my Dad to please not light up near me but he's hard headed and doesn't listen...