Hi, my name is Laura and I am a postgraduate psychology student at the University of Bristol conducting research on attitudes towards the use of videogames designed/modified for mental health treatments, including for anxiety.

It is my aim to identify some of the concerns about and perceived benefits of using therapeutic videogames. I hope that this will enable these concerns to be addressed and these benefits to be built upon, so that it can become a more appealing and effective treatment option.

Anyone over 18 years is eligible for the survey (as therapeutic videogames can be used for a variety of different reasons) but as it may have a lot of potential for anxiety treatment I am really hoping to include the views of people who have anxiety.

I would really appreciate if you could please spend 10 minutes on this completely anonymous survey. To access the survey please copy and paste this: gsoe.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/attitudes-towards-the-use-of-therapeutic-videogames

Thank you!