So I went back to the Dr this morning, mainly because my anxiety is getting the better of me and I'm convinced there's something seriously wrong.

On top of that my son was awake vomiting in the early hours so after barely any sleep, this morning I felt terrible.

The Dr listened to my chest and said it sounds clear, she can't hear anything on my chest but she can hear a bit of a wheeze. She asked lots of questions about my symptoms and said she thinks my hayfever/allergies are aggravating the cough/wheezing and she wants to use a Ventolin inhaler and she also wants me to use a nasal spray twice a day for my hayfever.

I asked about infection she said my temp was normal 37.1 which I thought was high but then I was in a complete state of panic so surprised it wasn't higher. She also said there's nothing on my chest so she doesn't want to give antibiotics and said that to persevere with the spray and ventolin but it could take up to 3 weeks for it all to settle down due to the inflammation of the airways.

I am still coughing phlegm from my throat but it starts off a bit discoloured then clears as the day goes on which from what I've read is fairly normal.

I just wondered does anyone know with Ventolin does it give immediate relief? I know she said 3 weeks to settle but I was just wondering what the effects are after using it, as this is the first time I've had any kind of inhaler. Not sure if it gradually decreases the wheezing or it happens instantly?
