I do not like hospitals, I tried to have this procedure 3 or 4 weeks ago When I had a piece of steak stuck and could not keep water down. I reacted to sedation so pulled tube out. I have no knowledge of this and the drugs wipe out memory.

As I have had problems before I have to have it done again to rule out anything. I am sure it is just me not chewing food when I am anxious, but need to have it done to for reassurance.

It is the procedure I am bothered about.

I am generally an anxious person and realise my brain is not working properly, yes I realise it is not a nice procedure and it will be uncomfortable but I just seem to panick and get worked up. If I need sedation again I am worried my naturally strong fight flight response will kick in.

I have overcome other brain ‘ malfunctions' before. Eg I used to eat too much chocolate but overcome this with a self hypnosis book.also I had a fear of open water swimming scared of th fish. I decided to give the fish names, eg Clive the cod, Tracy the trout. This just brings smiles to my face and I would like to see them now lol.

I am going to call the consultants PA this week as they are bound to have ideas and how they can help.
Any advice welcomed. :-)