Hello there! I think i need your help. I'm 22 and two years ago I suffered from a terrible breakdown during my summer vacation. I've convinced myself that I have rabies and that I got it in the most unlikely way. (If i wanted to describe every situation that had led me to believe that I will die an agonizing death - then this post would never end ) No contact, only highly unlikely chain of bizzare events.
I retured home early, finally went to see psychiatrist and gone through a terapy. I was taking sertraline for about a year.

And now, I’m supposed to have a good time, relax before an exam in october. And on the first day it happend again! And now THE STORY:

I’ve got some wellingtons in my basement, I wore them while going on a boat trip, on a bare feet cause its summer. Everyting was fine, and then a panic attack exploded in my head: WHAT IF? What if there was a bat in my basement, and that it got into the shoes, and he left a bit of saliva on them, and now i’ve got them on me, close to my bare skin, and maybe I’ve got some scratches that I cannot see… I will die, It will be my fault, I don’t know when it will happen. Maybe in a month, maybe in a year. When im writing it right now - it’s so stupid… But a moment later - it’s a serious life threat.

To be honest. What i really am afraid of - is anxiety. Two years ago it almost destroyed my life. I don’t want to go through it again. I don’t want to take madicine again. I just want to RELAX!
(PS. sory for my English, i’m really trying to sound convincing, but its not my native language…)