Hi I wonder if anyone can help/relate as I'm absolutely despairing with worry. I am a 25 year old female. For about two years I've been having strange things happen with my heart and chest which has all been blamed on anxiety.
it started when one day at work I randomly felt like my heart was being flung around my chest and jumping up my throat and I got an overwhelming feeling of anxiety like I was about to die. docs diagnosed it as a panic attack, I had about 3 ecg's and one 24 hours ecg which both showed normal, and I have had a chest xray which showed normal. it started to settle a bit and now over the last few months it has come back and I am so worried! its like randomly ill just get a fluttering feeling in my chest, sometimes like a random thud, always accompanied by massive feelings of anxiety, and the other day in the supermarket within the space of about 10 minutes I had about 15 of these 'flutters/thuds' and I genuinely felt like my heart was collapsing, we had to leave the shop and I couldn't stop crying!
I also get persistent breathing problems every day (asthma test shown clear) usually worse towards the end of the day, and sometimes get left chest/arm pain. these heart flutters/prominent beats sometimes also happen when I drink alcohol/have got a hangover/eat a very heavy meal, so I usually adopt 'safety behaviours' and avoid doing things that I was doing when they occurred. does anyone else have anything similar/can make me feel better in any way at all? im worried the ecgs didn't pick something up and I have a serious heart problem - it is literally taking over my life, my relationships, my happiness as a whole. i can't go a day without worrying that my heart is just going to completely collapse. any help greatly appreciated :(