ok. this is not good.
its just taken me 45 minutes, and i dont know how many attempts to make a cup of coffee.
for starters, its bin day, and i dont know if the person who took the bin out washed their hands before using the kettle, the fridge, the milk etc. so hands had to be washed before and after touching each of those things.
after washing hands many times before and after washing cup, also many times, due to potential splashes into the cup from the dishwater in the sink, or the draining board, or the washing up gloves etc...
suddenly realised as i was about to pour milk from bottle someone has opened this morning, that it could have been opened by whoever put the bin out and might not have washed their hands etc etc...
so... couldnt use milk.... as my fears are not understood or even accepted as real by those i live with, couldnt just open a new bottle of milk, as questions would be asked as to why i didnt use the open one, and rows would ensue.
so thought id pretend id dropped the bottle, and pour it down the sink
the extents to which i go to appear 'normal' !!!
to make it seem like this really happened, ive cleaned the floor with bleach in what i hope is a spilled milk clean up type way.
unfortuantely i then couldnt have the cup id made with the new milk, as potentially, some of the bleach spray had got into it. inventive at hiding my fears i may be, but that doesnt mean i think enough about it to move the bl""dy cup of coffee first!!! again much hand and cup, and this time kettle washing to get any bleach or floor germs off.
so now its 45 mins later, theres no hot water left, and iv finally got a cup of coffee. really have to ring the dr later. this is getting rediculous!
anyone else go through such nonsense?

Vix xxx:(