These doctor's see all sorts of these, Poppy, they shouldn't be judgemental. You get some like that but I like to the think the majority are open-minded and look towards the real facts which in your case show someone highly sensitive over an issue they have tried to help themselves with and who hasn't bought it upon themselves.

Maybe there is a tie in with the thyroid issue so see what comes from that.

Oosh is right too, loads of people go through it. Some people suffer it badly and most of us have it in a milder way but are still self conscious about it. Women especially, and definately when younger.

I like what you have said about just wanting to be independent and confident. That counts for much more than the vanity the world seems possessed by. It would be great to be perfect but we all have our flaws and for some people it doesn't matter how close they get to perfect, they never achieve what they are searching for. So, whilst some help with the skin issue is something you want, it's good to see that you are still seeing the more important things that come from within. These will still be there no matter how our looks fade with age and ultimately I think people prefer someone who is good on the inside than a plastic barbie off the production line of the make up counter! A lot of us guys go for intelligence and the more important things inside a person, not the looks alone...thats for the celebs and reality show idiots, in real life people like people for who they are and how they are, not what they look like.

You've got lots of great qualities and things going for you, you are just a bit adrift at the moment on where to take your life. Honestly, I didn't know what I wanted to be and still don't. That doesn't mean I haven't achieved things and don't have dreams or passions. I've worked with thousands of people over the years and I really doubt most of them had a vision of what they wanted to be other than happy. You have plenty of time in your life and if you choose a path that doesn't feel right in a few years, you have the time to change it. Sometimes people need to find themselves and until they've worked in a few areas, they aren't sure what is really important to them. So, don;t worry too much about this because you have so much time ahead of you to work it out.