Hello folks,

been reading the forum in the last couple of days as I'm back on cit and feeling a bit low.

Following a proper and full on burnout in 2010, I recovered fully and in April this year I decided to stop cit and go without it. Due to an exam I managed to psych myself to the extent where I triggered my anxiety and depression :(

Today is week 4 of being on cit and currently on the second week where I'm alternating the dose between 20mg and 30mg. As of Wednesday next week I'm going to 30mg daily.

Today and Wednesday when I took the 30mg I feel very low :( Today even lower than what it was Wednesday. I'm managing it as much as I can and I'm at work. I have to admit I'm a bit scared that the 30mg might make me feel more depressed as a dose but I obviously don't know if it will do or if it is just a side-effect.

I'm ready for the cit to kick in and start making me feel better. Kind of feel like crying today but that's not going to do me any good...just heighten anxiety and feeling sorry for myself.

Guess just need some reassurance from all you folks that have been through it.

In 2010 when I was much much worse I started cit and 2,5 months later I was back at work! Surely it will kick in in the next week or so???