Hi, I am on 100mg of Sertraline for depression and anxiety after a relationship break down, I was on 50mg for 2 weeks then up to 100mg as it began to wear off in terms of positive effects, I have now been on 100mg for almost 8 weeks and still having situational anxiety, mainly in buildings where the exit is far or where I have to stay, for example the super market or my kids dental appointments. I fear getting sick or fainting in public and as the anxiety ramps up I get dizzy and nauseous which obviously does not help as then the anxiety increases more and it becomes a cycle.

I spoke to my GP last week and she advised me to go up to 150mg which I plan to do on Wednesday. I wonder if maybe Sertraline just doesnt work for me? I'm beginning to feel frustrated hearing how amazing everyone else is doing on it and yet Im still here having anxiety. The depression has shifted though and I do notice an improvement in myself as far as mood goes it is just the anxiety I can't seem to shake off