morning all- how is everyone?

well, i got the date ritght for once. lol.

for the last few days, i've been writing in october, then realising it's september and reediting my title (but that's what lack of sleep does to you, or at least to me, confuses my days)

anyway did the right thing yesterday by avoiding downton abby.. i was just too anxious to watch it. just listened to the new shinedown album which is not bad at all- well i even made a thread about it... it's probably going to be the in thing until something else comes out i want, then i'll get that. usually the case for me, i'll overplay something when it comes out- then something new comes out and i'll overplay that, and forget about what ever it was i liked previously

seems like it might rain today (sky is greyer than yesterday), so let's hope it does. i love the rain, it sounds so good.

no emmerdale today, since i usually watch the repeat from the previous episode and their was none on friday (obviously because of the rugby world cup). i should probably check the emmerdale skedule for this week, to see if the rugby is affecting any of ity

for dinner i'm having the same as yesterday, as i still have left over chicken nuggets. hoping not to overeat so much today, because i did that a lot yesterday, 1 of those things i suppose

no other plans, (well obviously. my life is so exciting. lol)

have a good day all
