Does anyone have any experience (successful/positive) with coming off of Lexapro and then restarting it and having it work as effectively as it did previously? Only post positive stories please as I do not want to be discouraged.

I was on Lexapro for 9 yrs for panic disorder and anxiety, and it worked wonderfully. I came off recently but the PD came back so I'm currently restarting it, it will be 4 weeks on Sunday (first 3 weeks at 10mg and this week at 15mg). I am seeing slight improvements but definitely not feeling myself yet. I have moments of clarity peeking through where I am beginning to think more rationally but not without anxiety the remainder of the time. The first time I started it, I was almost 100% back to myself after 4 weeks and that was on 10mg (had a dose increase 3 years after that though) so now I am beginning to worry. If you've had a similar experience, how long did it take for you to feel like yourself again?