I've had lower abdominal cramps and spasming for about 5 years, with problem stools alternating between constipation and diarrhoea. Recently, my symptoms seem to have gotten worse, and yesterday I was unable to defacate while today I had loose stools. I'm Really worried that I've had undiagnosed bowel cancer and that it's too late to do anything about it. I'm only 18 but I know of others getting it before middle age. I also get nausea and I have often times had iron deficiency. i have not lost weight as far as I know, and I only rarely get blood in my stools (usually only if it is hard - sorry for the specifics)
I'm going to the GP in two days, but I'm worried they would want me to get a colonoscopy, which i'm worried could kill me itself.
I'm really scared of having this and I just want proof that I do not. I really need some reassurance right now.
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier