This is where I am right now. Never suffered with anxiety before in my life other than a couple of random panic attacks in the last three to four years. Then a few months ago, BOOM! Out of nowhere it all started. Used to always be after a few beers the day before but even stopping drinking didn't curb the anxiety, I'd have it every day and then the bad panic attacks came once in a while.

Tried Citalopram originally which freaked me out so badly that I came off them within a few days. The GP changed the prescription to Sertraline but because of the possible side effects, I was desperate to conquer it without taking them. That was two weeks ago. I've tried the natural route of therapy and acupuncture but my chest pains have become so bad in recent days that I've now picked up the tablets and am willing to try them, especially after this morning when the pains were worse than ever.

He's told me to take half a tablet a day which equates to 25mg for the first couple of weeks before going onto a full 50mg tablet. Took my first one after lunch and will now stick with it. Funnily enough my actual anxiety has subsided somewhat, it's just the return of these chest pains which come from nowhere that makes me bad again. I had to take two Diazepams this morning which is the first time I've had to take more than one, they're only 2mg but even the 4mg wore off within a couple of hours and I'm really reluctant to rely on these on a regular basis.

So on to the Sertraline. This is purely for anxiety, I'm generally happy and have no depression. If anything, this anxiety has made me have a better outlook on life as I was convinced I was going to die for a period of a month or so. Is 25mg enough to give me that lift and stop the negative thoughts, or is it 50mg where I'll hopefully start to feel the effects? I know he's just easing me in because of my fear of the side effects, but I don't want to get downbeat after a week or two if the 25mg doesn't have any effect. Just wondering if anyone's started to feel better on this dosage or whether I need to stick with it to the point where I up it to 50mg. I'd love it if 25mg is enough as I hate the thought of upping any medication, but if it keeps me off the valium then I'd happily take this for the rest of my life if needed.