Hi all, I'm not looking for a diagnosis, but does this sound familiar to anyone?
I've had a sore throat for months now, comes and goes, sometimes it feels like there is a lump when I swallow.
Also, I feel a need to burp a lot, even when I first get up prior to eating or drinking.
Sometimes, if I've eaten late at night (generally unhealthy snacks), I wake during night with a tight feeling in chest and slight pain, my ha focus is generally my heart, so I feel these pains to my left more, however they do occur on the right too. I'm also hot when I wake up, though temperature is normal.
These symptoms have only been present since my anxiety reared it's ugly head again.
I've little experience with digestion issues, suffered horrific heartburn during pregnancy, but other than that, I've been able to pretty much eat what I want, when I want.
Any advice welcome, don't want another trip to doctors as it just reinforces my reassurance seeking behaviours.
I'm at ent in November for a check up due to ear problems and his plan was camera down throat, would this detect and digestion problems?
Thank you all in advance