I have a bit of a quandry. I write on the NMP Forum, have done on and off for 3 years but only if I know a bit about a subject, had the same symptoms and can genuinely advise.
Health Anxiety is one of the biggest issues that people with depression or anxiety worry about and I am no exception,but here comes the problem.
I had a heart attack 9 months ago, straight out of the blue and I have to think very carefully when replying to someone with HA as I literally don't want to make their anxiety worse.
I also think age comes into it and from looking around there seem to be more and more younger people afflicted with anxiety issues which vary from coping and still working to those who are practically housebound.It's a huge spectrum.
So kindly bare that in mind, or if a question someone asks may set off a trigger in the response, I hopefully would consider it will be best not to answer unless specifically asked.