As some of you know I've been really struggling with the anxiety and usally I wake up feeling so anxiose and it stays with me allday but for the last few days I've noticed that for some reason I don't feel as anxiouse as I usualy do which it is a good thing but its kind of making me feel abit strange and scared because I don't feel so anxiouse , I don't know if its because I've had the anxirty for so long that it will feel strange and scarey not feeling so anxiouse, I know this might sound abit silly but I think I'm scared to let the anxiety go if that makes any sence to anyone as I think that if I let it go then something else will happen to me as a few yrs ago when I was really bad I bumped into a woman I knew who I hadn't saw for long time and she asked how was so I told her I was suffring with severe anxiety and straight away she said oh I had that for yrs and when it went she ended up with. Breast cancer and i remberd thinking id rather keep the anxiety if means I might get something else in its place and because of what she said , that has always stook in my mind , so not sure if thats why Im I'm scared to let it go.sorry ranting on think I'm just asking if what I'm feeling and thinking. Is normal in anxiety.