I'm new to the site today !
I was just wondering why doctors seem so determined to get me off this drug? Ok, none of us really want to be on medication, but if it really helps, is it a problem? Are there long term risks that aren't well publicised?

I have to say, I had been on seroxat for 18 years and for me it had been a life saver. I gradually reduced the dose to 10 which was fine.My doctor started making noises so I'd cut them in half to 5. I was pleased to be on such a low dose, I had the odd day of anxiety and panic, but nothing I couldn't handle.
Doctor started making noises again that I was on such a low dose that it could be of no use whatsoever to me. I changed to liquid and ended last week on 1m.Since then I have suffered enormously, really awful shallow or over breathing, panic, tingling etc etc. Is it my original symptoms? Is it withdrawal ? Is it my mind ?
Was it too wrong to want to leave well alone and be the happy and confident person it had been allowing me to be ? I don't really have depression or anything close, but the onset of all my original symptoms again has made me feel really low and it's very debilitating. I'm not sure what to do, should I brazen it out and see if the symptoms lessen ? My doctors are very dismissive and seem to think there isn't any chance of withdrawal or even my original symptoms returning, but that it's probably just the comforting placebo effect of taking a drug that helped me, but that in itself is a medical problem isn't it ?
I'm confused and fed up !
Sorry to be a moaner !
Thanks for reading.