Hi guy's I haven't been on in a while I could not log in and didn't receive the forgotten password email to reset, however, obviously I've managed to sign back in. I have been currently taking sertraline for around 8 months going from 50mg to 100mg after a couple of months. Most of the time I feel fine however, every month or 2 I feel a little down and the intrusive thoughts seem to get me down a little. It seems like for so many weeks I feel ok then I feel I take a little step back. I had CBT therapy at the beginning of the year and that seem to help lots, however, my therapist advised that she thought i was doing great so the sessions stopped.

I'm not sure whether this is it, and I will have days / weeks were I feel not as happy as I did the previous month? I think I have it in mind that because I'm on medication I shouldn't feel low sometimes???

Many thanks for reading, any comments will be hugely appreciated
