Hi guys,

I've been given pregabalin (along with mirtazipine - currently at 45 but reducing to 30 to avoid its massive knock-out effects) for anxiety. My anxiety has slowly been reducing over the last few months, not sure if that's medication or just time but whatever the reason, we're (very!) gradually getting better

Over the last month or so I've been slowly increasing pregabalin my 25mg per week up yo about 300-400; my doctor says the reason I haven't noticed anything positive in particular is probably due to too low a dose (something echoed by a lot of you guys on here). Yesterday I took 600 as recommended and felt a bit unusual, but woke up today absolutely spaced out (something very unpleasant as it mimics the strong depersonalisation/derealisation effects I used to feel so strongly) and this has lasted all day. I have a couple of questions:

1. Is it normal to experience this heavy, spaced out feeling by increasing from 400 to 600? If so, how long would this last? It's pretty debilitating - I couldn't work or concentrate at all today...

2. A lot of people on here talk about immediate effects of pregabalin, even experiencing a "buzz" or a "high". I'm afraid to say I haven't felt his at all, the doctor did say that I should begin to notice effects pretty quickly after increasing my dosage to 600. Does this mean the medication isn't working for me, or is it possible for the anxiety relief to take a good while longer than this?

Thanks guys.