
I'm really struggling with understanding how CBT might work for me with OCD. I just can't get my head round it.

Please if anyone could explain how CBT works with checking behaviours, I'd really appreciate it.

For example, I worry that I haven't closed my window. I know that through CBT I'm meant to fight the anxiety and not check the window is closed. But then how do I know it is actually closed in the first place in order to not check?? Because it genuinely might not be closed. I have forgotten in the past (which led to it being added to my roster of checks!). Am I supposed to mindfully close it in the first place? But then if a sound distracts me, the mindfulness is interrupted and I'm not sure if I closed it. So where do I go from there without checking?

My doctor keeps suggesting CBT again but I've tried it twice now and still don't get how it applies.