This really should be a more positive post, but unfortunately despite the news my MRI is clear (on and off dizziness for 2-3 years plus huge anxiety attacks in the past 3-4 months) and the fact I am now slowly coming off Diazepam (beta blockers didn't help...) I am still getting physical symptoms.

These are different. I feel more like I'm aching, not weak, just like a fever but it's not.

I have noticed it come on and off for the past few days. I haven't had lots of sleep recently, so this doesn't help, but I am getting frustrated.

Everytime I get a physical symptom of anxiety, I try to ignore it now (and try to make sure I don't google again) and I am feeling happier and more positive, but, there is that little part of me that thinks 'why am I still having physical symptoms?'

It has been 4 months of medication and the extreme anxiety has been with me since April/May approx. I started to feel the symptoms physically in June.

Am I just expecting too much?

I do feel quite calm inside but I lost it the other day over something very minor and made myself quite anxious.

Would the decrease and slow stop in diazepam cause issues? It's only 2mg...I was on x3 a day but now down to x 1 per 48 hours.