I am posting a weekly update on my rode to recovery from acute anxiety/ depression as part of my toolbox and in the hope that others may benefit.I recovered from the same issues 10 years ago to lead a normal fulfilling life for all of that time and I will do it again.The last week has had it's ups and downs. I forced myself to go out to several sports events at the weekend, things that I would normally enjoy. I found that doing that and sticking with it even if I didn't feel good really helped. There were times when I felt quite normal, especially when I managed to immerse myself in what was going on and forgot about symptoms. That gave me some confidence. Not quite so good during the week. I have been out on long walks and been doing chores around the house and managing not to let the kids see that I am suffering. Only one morning after a completely sleepless night where things were really pretty bad for a few hours. I also started some exposure therapy in the supermarket and a couple of other shops. The theory is that if you have symptoms you stay in the environment and try to float through them to teach your brain that there really is nothing to worry about and no need for the flight/fright response. This is very difficult when you have a lot of symptoms, but I will stick with it because I know it will work eventually. Yesterday when l got back from practising I was exhausted, but pleased that I had been out there in the real world for a while. I find it very hard seeing everyone going about there daily business without a care in the world, oh to be like that again. Does anyone know if there is any safe medication you can take to help you sleep? If I get sleep I am definatly better the next day. Any advice would be appreciated.See you next week.