Hello all!

I have been having long standing stomach issues and bowel problems with:

- Bloating
- Burping
- Feeling sick
- Generalised abdominal pain
- Different colours, shapes and styles of stool!

I've had blood tests (liver function, full blood count etc) which all came back clear with no apparent sign of inflamation in my body and a stool sample which was the same.

However I have health anxiety so naturally didn't believe my doctors and subsequently I've been sent for the tests.

I was just looking to seak a bit of advice really, has anybody had either test? I've had an Endoscope before which I hated so I'm very nervous about that one but I've never had a Colonoscopy and to be honest I'm really scared.

The prep has frightened me and I'm not sure what to expect with regards to the test itself. So any advice would be appreciated