Hey everyone, I was doing so good for the past couple of weeks until Wednesday when I noticed a weird heart flutter feeling a couple times. I've since had it since then but I didn't notice it Friday oddly enough. But I had what I think was a bad panic attack last night. My heart was racing and and then I took my heart rate and it was like 140ish so I freaked out even more and I started feeling shakey and my hands tingly. I went to the ER and by the time I had gotten there I was better than I was but they did a blood test which came back fine and then a EKG which came back fine.. A little elevated but the doctor said more like an anxiety related elevation. My blood pressure was also a little elevated but nothing to worrisome they said. At the hospital I noticed my heart rate going from high 80s to 100.. Mostly 90. Still high for me as I'm usually in the low 70s. Well they sent me home with a Holter monitor which sucks because I feel so paranoid about it and I'm scared what the results will be. I have to wear it for 24hrs. Well I feel like a couple times today I could feel my heart beat which worried me. But it went away.. And I felt it after I ate some pop tarts. I also took my daily B vitamin complex vitamin. I did some research and I'm wondering if this vitamin b complex is causing these palpitations or racing heart?? It's been 18 days of taking it daily. I've never felt this before and obviously I'm very scared and now my anxiety is bad again and I'm trying to stay positive but this Holter monitor is like a reminder of my worries. I'm only 21! I'm so very worried about my heart. Another thing is that I started my 'time of the month' yesterday and also wondering if hormone fluctuations can cause this in conjunction with the b complex. I keep thinking the worst and that they are going to want to do open heart surgery or something. So scared and need some insights or at least kind words to help me. Please! :( I also feel like now I'm so hypersensitive to my heart beat that I don't know what is normal now. Everything worries me.