Hey there,

A lot of what you said resonates with me. I'm sure there are people out there with the same symptoms as me who haven't even been to the Drs yet but to me it build up into some kind of urgent need - sometimes when I go i am convinced they will have to admitt me straight away.

Today my cramps and pains in my legs are bad and the dizzyness is back again. Especially in my left calf so then that starts me worrying about a blood clot.

I've booked an appointment for two weeks time and i am going to try in those couple of weeks a few self help things:

1) no googling symptoms - this is so hard for me but I need to kick the habit so I have two things i can do if I absolutely MUST - I can google symptoms followed by the word "anxiety" or I can ask my husband to google for me.
2) I'll be carrying on with normal life as much as humanly possible including any chores or jobs and days out etc. I will try not to binge-eat (I do when i am very depressed with my HA) and just eat normally.
3) I am going to continue taking vitamins, doing daily stretches and taking daily walks even when I am in pain i will just go slower. I will also carry on doing my meditations and having epsom salt baths once a week.
4) I will be reading my self help books and completing the exercises and really trying to help myself approach my health anxiety thoughts in a different way.

What sorts of things do other people do? I feel like i have to have a plan of how i am going to approach things and i have to write it down because my mind is so full of other thoughts and feels heavy with worry.