A few weeks ago one of my teeth on the bottom-right side of my mouth (the second molar) became really sensitive, so much so that I couldn't bear to chew anything on that side of my mouth. I went to the dentist and he said a bit had broken off that tooth and that was causing the pain and sensitivity.

So this Monday I had my first ever filling. The trouble is that although the tooth isn't as sensitive as it was, I now get a dull ache there. It seems to be like an on-and-off pain - I'll notice it for a few hours, and then it'll go away again. It feels like the aching is coming from inside the tooth, and it happens regardless of whether I chew using that side of my mouth.

Is it normal to have this sort of pain a few days after having a filling, and if so, how long should it take until things go back to normal? I'm worried there might be something else wrong with that tooth that the dentist didn't notice.