I found Mirtazapine really hard to come off when I was on it 8 months. Far worse than getting off Lorazepam. I am back on it now but just cannot seem to settle on a dose so sure it just is not for me but my doctor keeps pushing it! I stopped altogether for 6 nights and just felt low not like before when I was on it a long time but took it again last night...I just wish I cold have the Lorazepam back as it really was not that bad to get off (two years on it) and it made me feel NORMAL which surely is the most important thing, where as I just never feel right since coming off it. The only AD I ever took on it's own and felt great on was Citalopram but I cannot get back on it without Z drugs or benzo's as SSRI's give me panic attacks for about three months before they really kick in and I didn't find Escitalopram anywhere near as good as Cit. xxx