Haha, Terry she has loads of energy. This morning I took her for a 2 mile walk. Thought we'd go up hill to use some energy but she still had loads, so I started jogging with her. Mind you I am NOT jogger/runner. So we jogged, got me some exercise, and she STILL was energetic. So we took her to the dog park and she ran around crazy with two husky/retriever mixes. I laughed because she's about 45 pounds (medium sized) and these dogs were huge she was playing with but she gave them the run-around for sure. She's got some speed on her.

Then she went to the vet and got some vaccines, loved all the staff and they loved her. The vet says she might be trainable to be a good therapy dog for others because she is so happy, not afraid of people, and affectionate. I will think about it for the future.

Finally that was enough to tucker her out and she snuggled up with me for a good hour under the blankets. Husband has her out for a walk again. I tell you we are definitely getting more exercise with this one!!!