Hello, all. So about 6 months ago, back in July, I had a lot of trouble with frequent urination. However, I've been to the urologist about 3 or 4 times since then, with my most recent visit being in December. I have had no UTI, my urine samples always come back negative, and my bladder ultrasound was negative as well. I figured it was either anxiety or something unrelated to the urological side, which is what I was told in December. I'm 22, which is why they haven't wanted to check my prostate or do a cystoscopy or anything, though I wasn't really pushing for it at the time.

Fast forward to now, and I noticed that my penis hurts a bit towards the upper/mid part as I pee. Naturally, I've been sort of freaking out. I've been a bit better with the frequency (maybe I've just gotten better at managing it). I even noticed that my pee stream starts off a bit crooked as well before straightening out, and like with the pain, I can't tell if it's been like that or if it's new. I've been able to ejaculate fine, and maintain erections fine, but I worry it's something horrible or prostate related. Maybe I just hurt it somehow when masturbating? I honestly haven't got a clue, and I don't really have a way to go back any time soon. If anyone has any experience with stuff like this, I'd greatly appreciate any responses.