Have never been on an SSRI before so unsure of what to expect... but here goes nothing!

I have been prescribed 10 mg Escitalopram

Day 1
I took one half (because of fear of losing control or feeling funny) in the morning, and then the other half at night. No side affects whatsoever, and actually felt a little more "up" than usual. (I'm also supplementing with Diazepam because of the pharmacaphobia I'm facing here)

Day 2
Felt a bit off all day. Didn't sleep well the night before. Felt like lounging around all day. Took whole 10mg before bed. Still taking the Diaz as well.

Day 3
As I sit here typing, I woke at 11:30 in a panic, (its now 12:43) feeling a little off and heart racing, but got over it quickly on my own. I have not noticed any visible side effects other than the lack of sleep. A lot of the symptoms could be that I am facing my fears of this medication. Going to try to walk on the treadmill today to combat the fatigue I've been feeling.

Will keep you all posted if anything else should occur!