
Baiscally, i'm in my second year at University. Studying Education (It's not all to do with teaching, there's other professions you can go in too). I've come to realise I don't actually know what I want to do with the degree by the end of it. So, I went to see a careers advisor today, and she gave me a website link in which you fill out questions and tick which degree you're doing and they suggest 10 professions that you may be interested in. So I did all of this.. and I've come across a really amazing job, not to mention rewarding.

The job is a child psychotherapist. So basically, it's like a counsellor, helping children and teens.. the following things you help people with are:
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • development delay
  • phobias
  • aggression
  • gender dysphoria
  • consequences of child abuse
  • self-harming
  • learning difficulties and disabilities
  • eating disorders
  • psychosomatic disorders

I personally think i'd be brilliant at doing something like this. Because I don't think I'd be cut out to be a primary school teacher.. and to be honest, I think i'd find something like that more enjoyable.. because I like helping people.. it's what I do (or, try)

Basically I want your opinions.. obviously I'd be facing people with issues that I have faced myself and part of me is petrified it'd give me triggers.. in terms of anxiety. I'm hoping it wouldn't.. but I am a little scared about it. Or should I just try and not think about that.. and cross that bridge when I come to it? Heck, I might even learn some ways to help my anxiety. Like I said though, i'm in my second year.. but we've been told that we have to start thinking about what we want to do now.. to be prepared basically.

So what do you guys think.. is it worth a shot? Or should I be cautious because of my own problems? Any comments will be taken on board.. so thank you!

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

No one then...? :