First off i just want to thank all of you who replied. And i thought i'd come back to keep this little diary going.

Since my last post i have been back to a Dr about some thigh muscle problems i've been having which i suspect is due to the sudden change in activity, i've gone from sitting at my computer all day to walking 3/4 times a day up and down the country lane where i live. He said he'd put money on i'd pulled my Sartorius muscle (Not sure if that's how it's spelled) anyway. He told me to stretch it off and things have gotten better since then. Albeit it still feels very tight around my upper thighs.

I went back to my actual GP for a blood test to measure my testosterone as i had a word about the lack of morning erections and my anxiety. The result should come in a weeks time so i'm going to go back and see what the problem is. She recommended checking for other things while they have my blood too which is fine!

She also put me onto a physiotherapist about my leg muscles as it's likely i had illitobal band syndrome? Or something along those lines. Alongside bad posture and back issues that i need to work through. So that's next week too. Past that i may be recommended onto Therapy for my Anxiety and reactions. So hopefully the good news will roll in soon.

The only issue i've been having since all this began is that over the past couple of days my right testicle seems to ache every so often. And when i stand up it seems to go a bit further back in the sack than my left one. I had a bit of a read on Google and somethings suggested it might be a Crematis muscle or something. Although it could just be my right ball is a bit more proactive!

Anyways i shall keep everyone posted and hopefully my little story can help reassure anyone else who is going through a similar situation as myself.