Had my appointment with Pychiatrist today..went ok and re comfirmed that I had severe anxiety & panic disorder...
BUT... he wants to change my meds and Im terrified.....
\ive been on/off Seroxat (i know its not popular but has helped me in the past)..
He's says Seroxat is the right drug for my condition but as have moved from 10mg to 30 its high and he wants to change me to Cymbalta which is ok in itself as its a new drug with great reviews..but IM TERRIFIED of changing expecially with the onset of Xmas...Im to sart reducing seroxat and increasing Cymbalta week by week...but im scared of side affects..also it means im going to be off work longer...Can anyone help with this...any experieces would be soooooooo appreciated thanks for your time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx