Hey guys,

Well, this post may come across as a little strange, but my therapy session is in two weeks time, and I have prepared all the things I want to talk about. I listed them, and have them noted - but then I came across an Aspergers site that actually related to me a lot.

- I don't 'fit in' with society and never have
- I don't like socialising/anxious when in big groups and shut down
- I don't have OR want friends
- I don't understand jokes or 'humourous' things that others find funny (often)
- I have daily routines that must be carried out to feel calm
- I have to know the times of my meals, what I am having, and have to have my special plates and bowls to eat from/ time all meals/ have to eat on a number ending in 0 or 5
- Major anxiety issues when not 'safe' at home/ in 'safe' place
- I cannot connect emotionally with anyone, family included - but I do feel emotion, mostly in form of anxiousness and calmness
- Happiest when alone at home and with films/TV

The thing is, I am aware that I will probably be diagnosed with depression of some form, or anxiety/OCD - but I don't think this is the case for me, as I have always been like what the aforementioned state, even since being a small child. My mum always says I have been different and never liked being with others - I never went to parties, and I never went out with 'friends', and I never really cared about what was happening in their lives (I don't mean this to sound horrid, but it just never has been something I have thought about or have dealt with). I taught myself to read from a very young age, and developed in reading about a year faster than others my age. My mum couldn't, and still doesn't, understand how I cannot be lonely or not wanting a boyfriend, but it is just simply that I have never felt lonely and don't want a partner. I am not intimate at all, in fact I dislike others touching me, and am very reluctant to offer affection (hugs/ kisses etc.), or touch others, even my parents.

Do you think I should bring this up with the therapist?

I just feel like people don't 'understand' me, and actually, I can't understand others. I don't know what they think or feel, and that is a major contribution to my anxieties out in the real world.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!